Wikireporter:Superjurek/brudnopis/zapis nutowy

Kompilowanie pliku wejściowego LiliPond nie powiodło się:

line 2 - column 4:
GUILE signaled an error for the expression beginning here
line 4 - column 1:
syntax error, unexpected \layout
line 6 - column 28:
unknown escaped string: `\Score'
line 6 - column 28:
string outside of text script or \lyricmode
line 6 - column 35:
not a note name: tempoWholesPerMinute
line 6 - column 56:
syntax error, unexpected '='
line 10 - column 1:
syntax error, unexpected \paper
line 11 - column 9:
not a note name: indent
line 11 - column 19:
unknown escaped string: `\mm'
line 11 - column 18:
not a duration
line 11 - column 19:
string outside of text script or \lyricmode
line 12 - column 1:
syntax error, unexpected end of input